Our Mission

Camphill Soltane provides an inclusive setting for achieving creative development, social engagement, clinical therapy, & meaningful employment for adults with intellectual differences & the broader community so that all may find fulfillment.


committed to making a difference

We’re proud to have dedicated active community members that give of their time & resources to further the mission of Camphill Soltane.





krysta knaster

Executive Director

Krysta Knaster is an administrator, craftsperson, and educator. Upon graduation from the University of the Arts with her BFA in Photography, she worked in higher education administration at the University of the Arts and then at Gwynedd Mercy University. In 2017 she came to Camphill Soltane to work in the weavery as the Textiles Assistant. Since then, Krysta has continued to grow her passion, knowledge, and interest in working with people with intellectual disabilities through meaningful work in visual arts and crafts. Most recently as the Enterprise Operations Director of Camphill Soltane, she enjoyed creating opportunities for people of all abilities to explore their talents and learn new skills in the social enterprises, Soltane Cafe & Soltane Arts. As she enters this new chapter as Executive Director, Krysta is excited to lead and inspire others to continue to carry out the vital mission of Camphill Soltane.


Heather Fewkes

Director of Engagement

Heather has worked alongside individuals with intellectual differences since 2004, and joined the Camphill Soltane community in 2014 as a Direct Support Professional, then a Residential Manager and Program Specialist.  Heather worked as a Supports Director for Parzival for many years, and once an opportunity arose at Soltane that aligned with Heather’s strengths and interests, she was excited to once again join the Soltane team!  Heather enjoys being in nature/gardening, conversations over a good cup of coffee, quality time with friends/family and exploring new artistic endeavors.  She has lived at Soltane since 2018 and is truly grateful for this incredible community of people.   


Alyssa Scarborough

Director of Land Planning and Protection

Alyssa has settled into the role of Land Planning and Protection Director after years of organic vegetable farming. She has a love for fresh produce, local economy, and world travel. She enjoys novels, yoga, and lively conversation over a cup of coffee. Alyssa oversees employees and volunteers for the care of the Camphill Soltane orchards, gardens, greenhouse, and animals. She also instructs yoga, rock climbing, and botanical crafting classes and leads the Barista-in-Training initiative in the Greenhouse Cafe. Working and living at Camphill Soltane has provided her with a deep sense of community with her neighbors, the land, and the animals which reside there.


Allison Rose

Director of Development & Marketing

Coming soon!




Camphill Soltane Board of Directors

the heart of our truly inclusive mission is reflected in our board by people serving with and without intellectual differences.

Camphill Soltane Foundation Board of directors

the mission of the camphill soltane foundation is to support the vital work of camphill soltane.

I am inspired
by the faithful employees, selfless volunteers, caring parents, loyal friends, knowledgeable board members, generous benefactors, & supportive businesses...who pour into our mission each & every day. Without you, our work would not be possible, & I’m proud to say our community is stronger because of it.
— Lauren Prince, Executive Director

Check Out Our Annual Report!