You Make The Path Possible.


Will YOU pave the path to possibility for someone with intellectual differences?

Giving to Camphill Soltane Means…

  • Investing in the lives of people with intellectual differences for life after high school!

  • Providing scholarship opportunities for creative classes and vital behavioral health therapies!

  • Fueling inclusive employment positions based on an individual’s strengths!

  • Supporting learning that nurtures the interests and abilities of students!

  • Fostering a community where people feel safe, loved, and accepted exactly as they are!

  • Maintaining our serene 52-acre campus that serves as the therapeutic backdrop to all of our work!

  • Empowering neurodiverse families with a support system for life!

“Soltane has opened a world of opportunities for Tevake - community, peers, pre-vocational training, artistic development, but most of all, an inclusive atmosphere full of possibilities.

Thank you, Soltane!”

-The Vial Lobb Family


Make A Lasting Impact!


Donate by Phone!


Donate by Mail!

224 Nantmeal Rd. Glenmoore, PA 19343

sponsor an event!

We are very grateful for the wonderful people at Soltane who have made Emily so happy, helping her develop new skills and make meaningful friendships.

It has been important for us to participate financially by including Soltane in our estate planning and encouraging our friends and relatives to do the same.
— Marjorie & Lester Z., parents of Emily